Editorial: Journal of Comparative Psychology
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 16719584The Journal of Comparative Psychology will continue to publish exciting, fascinating, assessable, controversial, and well-written reports on research, be the topic traditional, interdisciplinary, applied, or one breaking risky new ground. Editorial standards must be high, but appropriate for various subfields, and as editor the author will try ...
Editorial: Journal of Comparative Psychology
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16719584The Journal of Comparative Psychology will continue to publish exciting, fascinating, assessable, controversial, and well-written reports on research, be the topic traditional, interdisciplinary, applied, or one breaking risky new ground. Editorial standards must be high, but appropriate for various subfields, and as editor the author will try ...
Journal of Comparative Psychology
www.apa.org › pubs › journalsThe Journal of Comparative Psychology® publishes original empirical and theoretical research from a comparative perspective on the behavior, cognition, perception, and social relationships of diverse species. The submission of articles containing data on multiple species and/or multiple tasks or settings is especially encouraged.
Journal of Comparative Psychology
psychology.uga.edu › sites › defaultJournal of Comparative Psychology Social Context Influences the Vocalizations of a Home-Raised African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus) Erin N. Colbert-White, Michael A. Covington, and Dorothy M. Fragaszy Online First Publication, March 7, 2011. doi: 10.1037/a0022097 CITATION