Agriculture Journal IJOEAR
https://ijoear.comAgriculture Journal IJOEAR is a paramount body which has been pioneering in technical revolution and sustainable development in the various fields of Agriculture and Environment science. The Journal aim is to work towards a brighter future in terms of creative, qualitative and quantitative research, Agriculture Journal IJOEAR is striving upon improving the standards at …
Journal of Integrative Agriculture - Journal - Elsevier of Integrative Agriculture publishes manuscripts in the categories of Commentary, Review, Research Article, Letter and Short Communication, focusing on the core subjects: Crop Science, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Agro-Ecosystem and Environment, Food Science, Agricultural Economics and Management, Agricultural …
Journal of Environmental and Agricultural Sciences
agro-publisher.comJEAS is a peer-reviewed, open access journal aims to publish all the latest and outstanding research articles, reviews, letters, technical reports, research methodologies, database articles, software article, short communications, book reviews and news letters in all areas and aspects of Agriculture, Biology, Animal, Food, Environmental and ...
Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture -
korseaj.org31.12.2021 · About the Journal more.. The Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture is an official publication of the Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture. It is published quarterly a year, March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31. The abbreviated title is …
Agriculture Journal IJOEAR
ijoear.comAgriculture Journal and Environmental Journal is an international journal meant for research and development in the field of Agriculture and Environmental Science. Agriculture Journal IJOEAR is a paramount body which has been pioneering in technical revolution and sustainable development in the various fields of Agriculture and Environment science.
International Journal of Agriculture Environment ...
https://ijaeb.comInternational Journal of Agriculture Environment and Biotechnology(IJAEB) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, quarterly journal which started publishing activity in 2008 encompassing multi-disciplinary subjects in agriculture and allied sciences. IJAEB deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems.