JMLR Home - Journal of Machine Learning Research Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) provides an international forum for the electronic and paper publication of high-quality scholarly articles in all areas of machine learning. JMLR seeks previously unpublished papers that contain: new algorithms with empirical, theoretical, psychological, or biological justification;
Journal of Machine Learning Research › papersMining and Learning with Graphs and Relations (February 2009 - present) Grammar Induction, Representation of Language and Language Learning (Nov 2010 - Apr 2011) Causality (Sep 2007 - May 2010) Model Selection (Apr 2007 - Jul 2010) Conference on Learning Theory 2005 (February 2007 - Jul 2007) Machine Learning for Computer Security (December 2006)
Journal of Machine Learning Research
https://jmlr.orgJournal of Machine Learning Research. The Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), established in 2000, provides an international forum for the electronic and paper publication of high-quality scholarly articles in all areas of machine learning.All published papers are freely available online. JMLR has a commitment to rigorous yet rapid reviewing.
Journal of Machine Learning Research support the open source software movement, JMLR MLOSS publishes contributions related to implementations of non-trivial machine learning algorithms, toolboxes or even languages for scientific computing. Submission instructions are available here . DIG: A Turnkey Library for Diving into Graph Deep Learning Research.