Journal of Materials Chemistry A › journal-of-materials-chemistry-aThe journals are led by an international team of Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors who are all active researchers in their fields. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C are separated by the intended application of the material studied. Broadly, applications in energy and sustainability are of interest to Journal of Materials Chemistry A, applications in biology and medicine are of interest to Journal of Materials Chemistry B, and applications in optical, magnetic and electronic ...
Information for Authors - Chemistry of Materials › page › cmatexChemistry of MaterialsDocument Templatesare available for preparing manuscripts for submission as well as for preparing final, accepted manuscripts. Authors are encouragedto use these templates for submission of all manuscript types. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the Author Checklist[PDF] before beginning a manuscript submission or revision to ensure they have all the necessary items for a successful submission to Chemistry of Materials.
Author Guidelines - American Chemical Society › publish › author_guidelinesDec 06, 2021 · Guidelines for Reporting the Properties of Devices (e.g., solar cells, batteries, capacitors, etc.) A large number of papers received by Chemistry of Materials include, or are focused on, devices made with new or modified known materials. Authors need to consider basic standards for the information provided about device properties that extends beyond what is usually reported for papers reporting classical bulk materials properties.