Home - Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
microbiologyjournal.orgJournal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (JPAM) is a peer-reviewed, open access, quarterly published international journal of microbiology strives to provide a forum for worldwide scientific researchers, academics, clinicians and microbiologists for publication of high quality reviews, research articles, short communications and clinical studies pertaining to all aspects of microbiology and ...
Journal of Microbiology | Home - Springer
https://www.springer.com/journal/12275Journal of Microbiology (JM) announces a new guideline regarding the category of Microbial Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology, effective from October 15, 2019, as follows: 1. JM no longer accepts a paper reporting novel species based on single strain species descriptions. Only manuscripts reporting the descriptions of novel taxa using ...
Journal of Microbiology | Home - Springer
www.springer.com › journal › 12275Journal of Microbiology (JM) announces a new guideline regarding the category of Microbial Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology, effective from October 15, 2019, as follows: 1. JM no longer accepts a paper reporting novel species based on single strain species descriptions. Only manuscripts reporting the descriptions of novel taxa using ...