Sardar Patel University
www.spuvvn.eduCovid-19 testing facility using RT-PCR is available at Sardar Patel University Reports with QR code will be available on the same day on mobile Place : University Health Centre , Time for Sample collection : 8 am to 12 pm (Reports on the same day), 2 pm to 5 pm (Reports on the next day)
Welcome to Global Journal Series
globaljournalseries.comGlobal Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences is a multi-disciplinary specialist journal aimed at promoting research in Biological Science, Agricultural Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Medicine.
Pure and Applied Analysis - MSP and Applied Analysis is a not-for-profit journal devoted to original research at the interface of mathematical modeling, scientific computation, numerical methods and harmonic/functional analysis, partial differential equations and related subjects.. The policies of Pure and Applied Analysis are set by the board of MSP and the editorial board of PAA — both groups of working ...
FTS Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (2021) Türkiye’de Dijital Müzikteki Yeni Ekonomik Modellerin Sosyolojik ve Kültürel Yönleri Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (2021) How ecoefficient is European food consumption? A frontier-based multiregional input–output analysis Sustainable Development (2021)
Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences)
atbuscienceforum.comScience Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences) 2021, Vol: 21, Issue: 3. 21/3 Current Issue Online First Archive Aims and Scope Abstracting & Indexing Most Accessed Articles Most Downloaded Articles Most Cited Articles. The objective of Science Forum is to bridge the gap between topics in the sciences by publishing explicitly written ...
Fuchsine - Wikipedia › wiki › FuchsineFuchsine (sometimes spelled fuchsin) or rosaniline hydrochloride is a magenta dye with chemical formula C 20 H 19 N 3 ·HCl. There are other similar chemical formulations of products sold as fuchsine, and several dozen other synonyms of this molecule.