Minors < MIT
catalog.mit.edu › mit › undergraduate-educationSubjects taken under the junior-senior P/D/F grading option cannot be used for a minor program. At the discretion of the minor advisor, approved transfer credit may be used to fulfill a portion of the minor program. MIT subjects, including those taken through cross-registration, must comprise at least half of the minor program.
MIT Theses
https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/7582MIT's DSpace contains more than 53,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.
Jobtitel Struktur - gradar
https://www.gradar.com/de/stellenarchitektur/jobtitelBei der Strukturierung und Definition von Jobtiteln sollten sowohl markt- als und unternehmensspezifische Anforderungen berücksichtigt werden. Im Idealfall folgt ein Jobtitel folgender Struktur: Rang + Titel + Fachbereich. Beispiel: Senior + Specialist + Finance. Alternativ sollte der Stellenname eine Berufsbezeichnung enthalten:
6-1: Electrical Science and Engineering
www.eecs.mit.edu › docs › ugjunior or senior year 6-2: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Circuits 6.002 Computer Systems 6.033 Artificial Intelligence 6.034 Algorithms 6.006 Algorithms and Computation 2 6.045 or 6.046 Programming 6.009 Software Construction 6.031 Signals 6.003 Computation Structures 6.004 Inference 6.008 Electromagnetic Fields 6.014 ...