10.01.2022 · Posts with mentions or reviews of awx-on-k3s.We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2022-01-10.
Jan 04, 2022 · ## Here I add the missing sections so less expereinces people can achieve installing and setting up AWX on K3s with HTTPS. ### My setup: * Instance Type: t3a.xlarge
22.10.2019 · Step 3: Deploy AWX Operator on Kubernetes. This Kubernetes Operator has to be deployed in your Kubernetes cluster, which in our case is powered by K3s. The operator we’ll deploy can manage one or more AWX instances in any namespace. Install git and make tools: sudo apt update sudo apt install git build-essential.
This is necessary for AWX to resolve the hostname for your Private Git Repository or pull images from the Container Registry. One easy way to do this is to use dnsmasq. Add entries to /etc/hostson your K3s host. Note that the IP addresses have to be replaced with your K3s host's one.
26.11.2021 · An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator, with easy-to-use simplified configuration with ownership of data and passwords. - GitHub - kurokobo/awx-on-k3s: An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator, with easy-to-use simplified configuration with ownership of data and passwords.
29.08.2021 · Install the awx-operator on Centos 8 using K3s + HTTPS.Follow along using this Gist containing all the commands and links I've used in this demo:https://gist...
Install the awx-operator on Centos 8 using K3s + HTTPS.Follow along using this Gist containing all the commands and links I've used in this demo:https://gist...
28.09.2021 · A workflow to get you up and running with Ansible AWX. Minimum requirements , Ubuntu 20. LinkedIn. Stephen Paynter Expand search. Jobs ... curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io ...
Create the ingress route : [root@k3s-master1 ~]# kubectl apply -f AWX-ingressroute.yml. Add an entry in your hosts file (in my cas, awx.home.lab points to the external IP), and should be able to login using the 'admin' user account, and the password you got in previous step :) 6 comments. 100% Upvoted.
k3s Unbound Immediate PersistentVolumeClaim. Hello r/kubernetes, I am trying to deploy the Ansible AWX operator on a single node k3s cluster and seem to be hitting a wall with a PVC. The PV in question is a local directory mounted at /data/postgres which is indeed on the node. When I describe the failed pod, it says that it has unbound ...
Sep 28, 2021 · A workflow to get you up and running with Ansible AWX. Minimum requirements , Ubuntu 20. ... curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sudo bash - stephenpaynter@ubuntu:~$ sudo kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ...
An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator, with easy-to-use simplified configuration with ownership of data and passwords.
An example implementation of AWX on single node K3s using AWX Operator, with easy-to-use simplified configuration with ownership of data and passwords.
Create the ingress route : [root@k3s-master1 ~]# kubectl apply -f AWX-ingressroute.yml. Add an entry in your hosts file (in my cas, awx.home.lab points to the external IP), and should be able to login using the 'admin' user account, and the password you got in previous step :) 6 comments. 100% Upvoted.
Environment OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Kubernetes/K3s: v1.21.7+k3s1 (ac705709) AWX Operator: 0.15.0 Description Deployment in endless loop, worked once a few days ago, but not anymore Step to Reproduce deploy via README.md (with acme issuer) Logs ...
04.01.2022 · ## Here I add the missing sections so less expereinces people can achieve installing and setting up AWX on K3s with HTTPS. ### My setup: * Instance Type: t3a.xlarge