Kaldi: Kaldi I/O mechanisms
https://www.kaldi-asr.org/doc/io.htmlA binary Kaldi file will start with the string "\0B"; since text files can't contain "\0", they don't need a header. If you opened a file using standard C++ mechanisms (and you won't normally be doing this, see How to open files in Kaldi ), you would have …
kaldi-io · PyPI
pypi.org › project › kaldi-ioApr 02, 2020 · Install. from pypi: python -m pip --user install kaldi_io. from sources: git clone https://github.com/vesis84/kaldi-io-for-python.git <kaldi-io-dir>. python setup.py install (default python) for local development use: export PYTHONPATH=$ {PYTHONPATH}:<kaldi-io-dir> in $HOME/.bashrc.
kaldi-io · PyPI
https://pypi.org/project/kaldi-io02.04.2020 · kaldi-io-for-python 'Glue' code connecting kaldi data and python. Supported data types. vector (integer) Vector (float, double) Matrix (float, double) Posterior (posteriors, nnet1 training targets, confusion networks, ...) Examples Reading feature scp example: import kaldi_io for key, mat in kaldi_io. read_mat_scp (file):... Writing feature ark ...
Kaldi: Kaldi I/O mechanisms
kaldi-asr.org › doc › ioA binary Kaldi file will start with the string "\0B"; since text files can't contain "\0", they don't need a header. If you opened a file using standard C++ mechanisms (and you won't normally be doing this, see How to open files in Kaldi ), you would have to take care of this header before doing anything.
kaldiio · PyPI
https://pypi.org/project/kaldiio10.12.2020 · kaldiio is an IO utility implemented in pure Python language for several file formats used in kaldi, which are named as ark and scp. ark and scp are used in in order to archive some objects defined in Kaldi, typically it is Matrix object of Kaldi. In this section, we describe the basic concept of ark and scp.
kaldiio · PyPI
pypi.org › project › kaldiioDec 10, 2020 · kaldiio is an IO utility implemented in pure Python language for several file formats used in kaldi, which are named asark and scp. ark and scp are used in in order to archive some objects defined in Kaldi, typically it is Matrix object of Kaldi.