Home - Keras Documentation - faroit
faroit.com › keras-docs › 1Home - Keras Documentation Keras: Deep Learning library for Theano and TensorFlow You have just found Keras. Keras is a high-level neural networks library, written in Python and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation.
Keras API reference
keras.io › apiKeras Applications. Xception. EfficientNet B0 to B7. EfficientNetV2 B0 to B3 and S, M, L. VGG16 and VGG19. ResNet and ResNetV2. MobileNet and MobileNetV2. DenseNet. NasNetLarge and NasNetMobile.
Developer guides - Keras
keras.io › guidesDeveloper guides. Our developer guides are deep-dives into specific topics such as layer subclassing, fine-tuning, or model saving. They're one of the best ways to become a Keras expert. Most of our guides are written as Jupyter notebooks and can be run in one click in Google Colab , a hosted notebook environment that requires no setup and runs ...
Getting started - Keras
keras.io › getting_startedCheck out our Introduction to Keras for researchers. Are you a beginner looking for both an introduction to machine learning and an introduction to Keras and TensorFlow? You're going to need more than a one-pager. And you're in luck: we've got just the book for you. Further starter resources. The Keras ecosystem; Learning resources
Keras: the Python deep learning API
https://keras.ioKeras is an API designed for human beings, not machines. Keras follows best practices for reducing cognitive load: it offers consistent & simple APIs, it minimizes the number of user actions required for common use cases, and it provides clear & actionable error messages. It also has extensive documentation and developer guides.
Keras documentation: Developer guides
https://keras.io/guidesKeras documentation. Star. About Keras Getting started Developer guides The Functional API The Sequential model Making new layers & models via subclassing Training & evaluation with the built-in methods Customizing what happens in `fit() ` ...
Keras: the Python deep learning API
keras.ioKeras is an API designed for human beings, not machines. Keras follows best practices for reducing cognitive load: it offers consistent & simple APIs, it minimizes the number of user actions required for common use cases, and it provides clear & actionable error messages. It also has extensive documentation and developer guides.