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keras reuters dataset

Reuters newswire classification dataset - Keras
Loads the Reuters newswire classification dataset. This is a dataset of 11,228 newswires from Reuters, labeled over 46 topics. This was originally generated by parsing and preprocessing the classic Reuters-21578 dataset, but the preprocessing code is no longer packaged with Keras.
Reuters newswire classification dataset - Keras
https://keras.io › api › datasets › re...
Loads the Reuters newswire classification dataset. This is a dataset of 11,228 newswires from Reuters, labeled over 46 topics.
Datasets - Keras 1.2.2 Documentation
https://faroit.com › keras-docs › da...
from keras.datasets import reuters (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data(path="reuters.pkl", ...
Datasets - Keras
keras.io › api › datasets
Datasets. The tf.keras.datasets module provide a few toy datasets (already-vectorized, in Numpy format) that can be used for debugging a model or creating simple code examples. If you are looking for larger & more useful ready-to-use datasets, take a look at TensorFlow Datasets.
Is there a dictionary for labels in keras.reuters.datasets?
https://stackoverflow.com › is-ther...
Unfortunately it seems that Keras dataset lacks information about topics. You could use nltk version of the same dataset.
Where can I find topics of reuters dataset #12072 - GitHub
https://github.com › keras › issues
Unfortunately, there is no information about the Reuters dataset in Keras documentation. Is it possible to clarify how this dataset gathered ...
Text Classification in Keras (Part 1) — A Simple Reuters News ...
https://towardsdatascience.com › te...
from keras.datasets import reutersUsing TensorFlow backend.(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = reuters.load_data(num_words=None, ...
tf.keras.datasets.reuters.load_data - TensorFlow 2.3
https://docs.w3cub.com › load_data
This was originally generated by parsing and preprocessing the classic Reuters-21578 dataset, but the preprocessing code is no longer packaged with Keras.
Python Examples of keras.datasets.reuters.load_data
www.programcreek.com › python › example
The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use keras.datasets.reuters.load_data().These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
keras/reuters.py at master · keras-team/keras · GitHub
github.com › blob › master
from keras. preprocessing. sequence import _remove_long_seq: from keras. utils. data_utils import get_file: from tensorflow. python. platform import tf_logging as logging: from tensorflow. python. util. tf_export import keras_export @ keras_export ('keras.datasets.reuters.load_data') def load_data (path = 'reuters.npz', num_words = None, skip ...
Python Examples of keras.datasets.reuters.load_data
The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use keras.datasets.reuters.load_data().These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Module: tf.keras.datasets.reuters | TensorFlow Core v2.7.0
www.tensorflow.org › tf › keras
Aug 12, 2021 · Public API for tf.keras.datasets.reuters namespace.
Module: tf.keras.datasets.reuters | TensorFlow Core v2.7.0
https://www.tensorflow.org › api_docs › python › reuters
Public API for tf.keras.datasets.reuters namespace. ... Retrieves a dict mapping words to their index in the Reuters dataset.
Reuters newswire topics classification — dataset_reuters • keras
https://keras.rstudio.com › reference
Dataset of 11,228 newswires from Reuters, labeled over 46 topics. As with dataset_imdb() , each wire is encoded as a sequence of word indexes (same ...
Reuters dataset using keras | Kaggle
https://www.kaggle.com › reuters-...
... CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) from keras.datasets import reuters # load and split data into training set and test set (train_data, train_labels), ...
Reuters newswire classification dataset - Keras
keras.io › api › datasets
Loads the Reuters newswire classification dataset. This is a dataset of 11,228 newswires from Reuters, labeled over 46 topics. This was originally generated by parsing and preprocessing the classic Reuters-21578 dataset, but the preprocessing code is no longer packaged with Keras.