keras-utils · PyPI › project › keras-utilsSep 21, 2018 · Keras Utils. This package provides utilities for Keras, such as modified callbacks, genereators, etc. Installation. To install the package from the PyPi repository you can execute the following command: pip install keras-utils Usage. The usage of the package is simple:
Python & NumPy utilities - Keras Base object for fitting to a sequence of data, such as a dataset. Every Sequence must implement the __getitem__ and the __len__ methods. If you want to modify your dataset between epochs you may implement on_epoch_end . The method __getitem__ should return a complete batch. Notes:
Utilities - Keras documentation. Star. About Keras Getting started Developer guides Keras API reference Models API Layers API Callbacks API Optimizers Metrics Losses Data loading Built-in small datasets Keras Applications Mixed precision Utilities KerasTuner Code examples Why choose Keras?
utils 工具 - Keras中文文档 keras.utils.data_utils.Sequence() 序列数据的基类,例如一个数据集。 每个Sequence必须实现__getitem__和__len__方法. 下面是一个例子: from import imread from skimage.transform import resize import numpy as np __Here, `x_set` is list of path to the images__ # and `y_set` are the associated classes.
Utilities - Keras › api › utilsset_epsilon function. is_keras_tensor function. get_uid function. rnn function. Utilities. Model plotting utilities. Serialization utilities. Python & NumPy utilities. Backend utilities.
I/O Utils - Keras Documentation (datapath, dataset, start=0, end=None, normalizer=None) Representation of HDF5 dataset which can be used instead of a Numpy array. Example X_data = HDF5Matrix ('input/file.hdf5', 'data') model.predict (X_data) Providing start and end allows use of a slice of the dataset.