Kidney disease Datasets | BioGPS › dataset › tagKidney disease Datasets. [ Sorting Controls ] Datasets are collections of data. BioGPS has thousands of datasets available for browsing and which can be easily viewed in our interactive data chart . Learn more. Displaying 9 datasets.
Liver Kidney Stomach Dataset - GitHub · Liver Kidney Stomach Dataset. This is the official repository for the Liver Kidney Stomach (LKS) whole slide image (WSI) dataset dataset introduced in the CVPR2020 oral paper: SOS: Selective Objective Switch for Rapid Immunofluorescence Whole Slide Image Classification.The liver auto-antibody LKS screen is critical to the investigation of autoimmune …
Chronic KIdney Disease dataset | Kaggle › mansoordaku › ckdiseaseApr 13, 2017 · The data was taken over a 2-month period in India with 25 features ( eg, red blood cell count, white blood cell count, etc). The target is the 'classification', which is either 'ckd' or 'notckd' - ckd=chronic kidney disease. There are 400 rows. The data needs cleaning: in that it has NaNs and the numeric features need to be forced to floats.