Pepsi Max - Wikipedia › wiki › Pepsi_MaxA Pepsi Max Lime version was released in the United States in February 2010 under the name "Pepsi Max Cease Fire" It was introduced in the UK in late-2011. It was cross-promoted with a new flavor series of Doritos chips called "3rd Degree Burn". In July 2010, Pepsi began to move its North American branding for Pepsi Max to match its global ...
pepsi max boks - SRCH søkemotor med Pepsi Max har også fått en ny, lav KIWI-pris og koster nå 49,90 kroner. Denne kostet opprinnelig 89,90 kroner. Dette er ikke kortvarige tilbud, men varige pris fremover, så det er ingen grunn til å hamstre. Om alle handler som normalt, er det nok sukkerfri brus til alle.
www.pepsi.comDec 04, 2017 · The official home of Pepsi®. Stay up to date with the latest products, promotions, news and more at