BEGINNING KOREAN: A GRAMMAR GUIDE › kor › supplementsA Brief Introduction to the Korean Writing System, Hangeul The Korean alphabet, hangeul, is among the most significant achievements of Korean history and culture. Among the world's writing systems, hangeul is special in several regards. First, hangeul did not arise through happenstance: it was created in the
Quiz: Do You Know Korean Alphabet?'t give up and you'll make it! Share the quiz with friends and find out their knowledge of Korean. You don't need a dictionary. You have some knowledge of the language but there are still some gaps. Not bad, but the sky's the limit. Fighting! Share the quiz with friends and find out their knowledge of Korean. Local
Korean Alphabet - Make Your Own Quiz this quiz you can practice your skills by starting off with Korean vowels. So are you wanting to learn Korean? Do you think you can pass this easy 10 question test? Then study your korean vowels and try to pass. This is a beginner level test. Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and ...