Korean Quiz - Test Your Knowledge
https://www.mylanguages.org/korean_quiz.phpno rang - 노랑 ppal gang - 빨강 geom jeong - 검정 Which one of the following means " today ": ba ro jeuk si - 바로/즉시 eo je - 어제 nae il - 내일 o neul - 오늘 i mi - 이미 How would you write " quickly "? cheon cheon hi - 천천히 ppal li - 빨리 geo ui - 거의 ham kke - 함께 sil je ro jin jja ro - 실제로/진짜로 Which one of the following means the number " six "? set - 셋 a hop - 아홉
Korean Vocabulary Quiz - Learn Korean
koreanly.com › korean-vocabulary-quizKorean Vocabulary Quiz - Learn Korean Korean vocabulary quiz Korean vocabulary quiz is a basic Korean quiz to practice Korean words. Korean vocabulary quiz 1907 Created on January 01, 2020 By admin korean hangul test Korean hangul test - Beginners level hangul test. This is a first unit of Topik level 1 quiz series.