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www.kryssordsvar.comKryssord. Spill gratis online kryssord. Hver uke tilbyr vi deg et nytt 13x13 kryssord som du kan fullføre hvor og når du vil. Kryssord - 15 Desember 2021.
Kryss - The Battle of Words - Apps on Google Play › store › appsKryss - The Battle of Words. The turn-based game is developed from the idea of transforming the traditional crossword solution - old school Scandinavian style - into a game where you compete against each other in the same crossword puzzle. You receive five letters each turn, then strive to place the letters in the crossword within a minute.
Kryss Cheat - Word Cheats › kryss-cheatAbout Our Kryss Cheat Tool. Kryss is a new multiplayer crossword-style game that takes a new spin on things. Instead of a normal crossword game that gives you hints and you aim to fill out the whole board, this game pits you against your friends to see who can fill out the most.