KU Chemistry homepage - Chemistry | Chemistry
https://chem.ku.eduKU Chemistry. KU Chemistry provides cutting-edge education and research opportunities. Diversity in our research and a strong culture of collegial interaction among the faculty, staff and students has always set us apart. We put a strong premium on interdisciplinary research and the vast majority of our faculty have research collaborations that ...
Chemistry | Chemistry
chem.ku.eduKU Chemistry KU Chemistry provides cutting-edge education and research opportunities. Diversity in our research and a strong culture of collegial interaction among the faculty, staff and students has always set us apart.
Research Group: Analytical Chemistry - ku
https://plen.ku.dk/english/research/env_chem_phys/acIn analytical chemistry we aim at analyzing all compounds present in a matrix to get a better understanding of environmental, industrial and green chemistry processes. We perform basic research in advanced analytical chemistry and develop novel analytical platforms such as GCxGC-MS and LC-ICP-MS as well as strategies for automated signal processing such as pixel-based …