The following are 27 code examples for showing how to use kubernetes.client.V1Deployment().These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
28.01.2019 · How to creates Kubernetes jobs with Python. In this blog post I will do a quick guide, with some code examples, on how to deploy a Kubernetes Job programmatically, using Python as the language of choice. For this I’m using GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine), logging via StackTrace and haveana image available on Google Container Registry.
# Create a deployment object with client-python API. The deployment we # created is same as the `nginx-deployment.yaml` in the /examples folder. deployment = create_deployment_object () create_deployment ( apps_v1, deployment) update_deployment ( apps_v1, deployment) restart_deployment ( apps_v1, deployment) delete_deployment ( apps_v1)
Jul 23, 2019 · Create a deployment and run the application in Kubernetes; Prerequisites. A Kubernetes service - I'm using Docker Desktop with Kubernetes in this walkthrough, but you can use one of the others. See Getting Started for a full listing. Python 3.7 installed; Git installed; Containerizing an application
23.07.2020 · There are different kubernetes objects in your yaml file,but you are trying to use response3 = apps_v1_api.create_namespaced_deployment(xxx) to create deployment.That is, if you want to create deployment,make sure there are only deployment object in the yaml file. –
Jul 24, 2020 · There are different kubernetes objects in your yaml file,but you are trying to use response3 = apps_v1_api.create_namespaced_deployment(xxx) to create deployment.That is, if you want to create deployment,make sure there are only deployment object in the yaml file. –
23.07.2019 · Author: Jason Haley (Independent Consultant) So, you know you want to run your application in Kubernetes but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’re getting started but still don’t know what you don’t know. In this blog you’ll walk through how to containerize an application and get it running in Kubernetes. This walk-through assumes you are a developer or at least …
Homogenizing the Kubernetes Python Client versions. The client releases v12 and before following a versioning schema where the major version was 4 integer positions behind the Kubernetes minor on which the client is based on. For example, v12.0.0 is based on Kubernetes v1.16, v11.0.0 is based on Kubernetes v1.15 and so on.
29.10.2019 · [Kubernetes] Create deployment, service by Python client. 2019年10月29日 2019年10月29日 by ylhyh. Install Kubernetes Python Client and PyYaml: # pip install kubernetes pyyaml. 1. Get Namespaces or Pods by CoreV1Api:
The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use kubernetes.client.AppsV1Api().These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project …
StatefulSet: Applications that are stateful are created using these to avoid data inconsistency. Same as deployment. . These are a few of the basic Kubernetes ...
def get_events_for_object( kube_client: KubeClient, obj: Union[V1Pod, V1Deployment, V1StatefulSet, V1ReplicaSet], kind: str, # for some reason, obj.kind isn't populated when this function is called so we pass it in by hand ) -> List[V1Event]: host = KubeConfiguration().host # The python kubernetes client doesn't support the V1Events API # yet, so we have to make the …