05.05.2019 · After upgrading a computer from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, during boot the screen goes blank (turns black), all HD disk activity halts, and the system becomes frozen. This event can also occur on a fresh installation or when updates are installed.
12.10.2018 · Show activity on this post. In case this wouldn't work for someone in the future (because this is 1 year ago+) Copy from my own post at: Ubuntu boots to black screen with cursor after upgrade (from 18.04 to 20.04) sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt autoremove sudo apt remove ubuntu-desktop sudo apt autoremove sudo apt install ubuntu …
Since I installed Kubuntu 18.04, it's been working fine. However today it went wrong :(I rebooted my system to go in to windoze 10 without any problems, as I have done before. After doing nothing much, I rebooted to Ubuntu and was greeted with a black screen with a mouse cursor.
14.10.2021 · After a new installation of Kubuntu 18.04 i have the following problems: The system apparently starts OK, but the login screen remains black. The mouse pointer is operable. Everything else I do from the ttys.
07.11.2014 · Hi all, I'm running Kubuntu in my Dell XPS laptop with dual monitors (laptop screen and a Samsung LCD monitor) and Nvidia's driver (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.46). The problem is that I accidentally disabled the laptop screen at Display Settings and after that the screen went black. After reboot and login, the screen is still black and the only thing I can see is the mouse cursor.
Upgraded to 18.04, after boot black screen and mouse pointer. Any ideas how to fix this? Edit: I have a NVIDIA card so I thought drivers cause problems but …
09.08.2019 · blackscreen and cursor after recent kubuntu 19.10 updates. I recently decided to install the new updates(as one does) from discover and rebooted my computer to find that I had nothing but a black screen and a cursor. I'm currently able to open the little alt+f2 command bar, ...
04.07.2021 · The black screen for (k)ubuntu starting appeared after linux kernel+nvidia drivers update, but switching back to any of the previous versions does not resolve the issue. Kubuntu 18.04, GeForce GTX 1070, ASUS Strix GL502V.
25.01.2014 · On January 6 I installed a daily build of Kubuntu 14.04. Ran great until 1/14/14 after installing updates I booted to a black screen no cursor. I shut down the computer and restarted to a boot menu and booted into recovery mode and chose the latest kernel and ran whatever fixes I was allowed to r...