https://www.kuusamo.fi22.12.2021 · Keskuskuja 6 PL 9, 93601 Kuusamo Vaihde 040 860 8600. kirjaamo@kuusamo.fi. Y-tunnus 0186418-5. Kuusamon kaupungin Facebook-sivu Kuusamon kaupunki Twitterissä Kuusamon kaupunki Instagramissa Kuusamon kaupungin Youtube-kanava Oikopolut. Puhelinluettelo (pdf) Laskutus ja maksaminen;
Kuusamo - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › KuusamoKuusamo is one of the snowiest areas in Finland: the ground is snow-covered for about 200 days a year, from late October until mid-May, with a thickness of 80–90 centimetres (31–35 in). The center of Kuusamo is located approximately 60 km (37 mi) south of the Arctic Circle, thus polar day and night play a major role.
Kuusamo - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KuusamoThe average annual temperature is −0.37 °C, annual precipitation 525 millimetres (20.7 in). The warmest month is July with an average temperature of +14.3 °C, coldest January with −13.2 °C. The coldest ever measured temperature was −48 °C in Kiutaköngäs. Kuusamo is one of the snowiest areas in Finland: the ground is snow-covered for about 200 days a year, from late Oct…
Kuusamo – Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/KuusamoKuusamo (utt: Kosamå) er en by og kommune i landskapet Norra Österbotten i Finland. Kommunen grenser til nabokommunene Taivalkoski i Norra Österbotten, Posio og Salla i Lappland og Suomussalmi i Kajanaland. I øst har kommunen grense mot Russland. Kommunen ble grunnlagt i 1868 og stedet fikk bystatus i 2000. Byen har snaut …
Kuusamo – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
en.wikivoyage.org › wiki › KuusamoKuusamo is a town and a municipality of same name in Northern Finland. The high season for tourism is the winter when people head to the 1 Ruka skiing resort 20 km north of the town. However, the 2 Oulanka National Park 20 km farther to the north is also very popular and can be visited around the year.