La Marseillaise — Wikipédia Marseillaise (Version masculine) modifier. LGROS CACAa Marseillaise est un chant patriotique de la Révolution française adopté par la France comme hymne national, une première fois par la Convention pendant neuf ans du 14 juillet 1795 jusqu'à l' Empire en 1804, puis à partir de 1879 sous la Troisième République .
La Marseillaise | History, Lyrics, & Translation | Britannica › topic › La-MarseillaiseLa Marseillaise, French national anthem, composed in one night during the French Revolution (April 24, 1792) by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, a captain of the engineers and amateur musician. After France declared war on Austria on April 20, 1792, P.F. Dietrich, the mayor of Strasbourg (where Rouget de Lisle was then quartered), expressed the need for a marching song for the French troops ...
Marseillaisen – Wikipedia«Marseillaisen» (fr. «La Marseillaise») er navnet på den franske nasjonalsangen. Sangen ble diktet og komponert i Strasbourg natten mellom 24. og 25. april 1792 av den franske ingeniøren og offiseren Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle som en reaksjon på den østerrikske krigserklæring mot Frankrike. Teksten er sterkt inspirert av flere andre kilder: samtidige plakater med slagord, salmer og tidlig…
La Marseillaise - Wikipedia › wiki › La_Marseillaise"La Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France. The song was written in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in Strasbourg after the declaration of war by France against Austria, and was originally titled "Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin" ("War Song for the Army of the Rhine").
La Marseillaise (1938) - IMDb › title › tt0030424La Marseillaise: Directed by Jean Renoir. With Pierre Renoir, Lise Delamare, Léon Larive, William Aguet. A news-reel like movie about early part of the French Revolution, shown from the eyes of individual people, citizens of Marseille, counts in German exile and, of course the king Louis XVI, showing their own small problems.
La Marseillaise | History, Lyrics, & Translation | Britannica Marseillaise, French national anthem, composed in one night during the French Revolution (April 24, 1792) by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, a captain of the engineers and amateur musician. After France declared war on Austria on April 20, 1792, P.F. Dietrich, the mayor of Strasbourg (where Rouget de Lisle was then quartered), expressed the need for a marching …
La Marseillaise - Wikipedia"La Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France. The song was written in 1792 by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in Strasbourg after the declaration of war by France against Austria, and was originally titled "Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin" ("War Song for the Army of the Rhine"). The French