Solow Growth Model: Concept and Formula– Penpoin. · From Equation 2, output per worker (labor productivity) increases due to advanced technology or increased capital per worker. Capital per worker faces diminishing returns to scale. Thus, investment to increase capital per worker (K / L) will slowly result in a smaller contribution to output per worker, depending on the current K / L ratio.
Capital to Labour Ratio - Economics Help › capital-labour-ratioCapital to Labour ratio measures the ratio of capital employed to labour employed. The capital-labour ratio (K/L) can measure the capital intensity of a firm.. Typically, over time, firms tend to have a higher capital-labour ratio as they seek to gain productivity improvements from investment in capital and automating the production process.
Labor Efficiency Ratio (LER) › wp-content › uploadsLabor Efficiency Ratio Defined • Direct Labor Efficiency – Value Added Revenue divided by Caregiver wages (does not include taxes and benefits) • Management Labor Efficiency – Gross Margin divided by Management wages (all non -caregiver wages) • Every labor dollar must be held accountable to output either as an individual or a group.