FIH-Weltrangliste – Wikipedia Die FIH-Weltrangliste bietet eine Übersicht über das Kräfteverhältnis der besten Hockeynationen der Welt. Sie wird vom Hockey-Weltverband Fédération Internationale de Hockey (FIH) erstellt und berücksichtigt das Abschneiden der einzelnen Nationalmannschaften in den letzten vier Jahren.
IIHF - World Ranking IIHF World Ranking is a tool to reflect the long-term quality of the countries' national team program. The IIHF World Ranking is based on awarding points for the final positions in the last four IIHF World Championships and in the last Olympic Ice Hockey Tournament.
IQ by Country - Worlddata: The world in numbers an average IQ of 98 points, the USA ranks 23th in this ranking. With 108 points, the inhabitants of Singapore reach the highest intelligence quotas worldwide. The last place with only 56 points is occupied by Equatorial Guinea. In addition to the simple ranking of countries, the following table shows the influence of prosperity and climate
| Outdoor | FIH Men's and Women's World Ranking After a long period of testing, a new World Ranking model took effect from January 1, 2020 after approval by the FIH Executive Board. Moving away from the previous tournament based ranking system, this new match based system involves an exchange of points between the 2 teams competing in each match played.