Online-Dictionary by Langenscheidt
en.langenscheidt.comThe Langenscheidt online dictionaries provide the same content that is included in the print dictionary. In the digital versions, however, the dictionaries offer a number of additional features, including: Audio of pronunciation to listen to. More context sentences than in the printed version. Links to synonyms and similar words.
Online-Dictionary by Langenscheidt
https://en.langenscheidt.comThe Langenscheidt online dictionaries provide the same content that is included in the print dictionary. In the digital versions, however, the dictionaries offer a number of additional features, including: Audio of pronunciation to listen to. More context sentences than in the printed version. Links to synonyms and similar words.
Kostenloses Online Wörterbuch von Langenscheidt
https://de.langenscheidt.comLangenscheidt: Spannende Möglichkeiten statt großer Verwirrung. Gustav Langenscheidt (1832-1895), der Gründer des berühmten Sprachenverlags Langenscheidt, stellte bereits als Jugendlicher bei seinen Reisen durch Europa fest, wie wichtig die Kenntnis von Fremdsprachen für eine gelungene Verständigung ist.