Skis - Asnes Tur-Langrenn › Skis-Asnes-TurLangrennVintage wooden Asnes tur-langrenn. 220 cross country ski's, hickory sole-lignokant, made in Norway with Dovre(79 mm) Nordic bindings and 63" bamboo poles. A Maxwell House label indicates they were used in the American Birkebeiner, 1983 Great American Ski Chase. Another recent"estate find" The set is in very good.
Langrenn - Skiforbundet · Langrenn - Norges Skiforbund Terminlister (5 neste renn) se alle renn Langrennslandslaget på Instagram Aktuelt 15 norske utøvere til snøsport-VM Norges Skiforbund, Norges Skiskytterforbund og Brettforbundet har tatt ut 15 utøvere til VM i snøsport for parautøvere på Lillehammer og Hafjell i perioden 12.-23. januar 2022. Skiforbundets …
Åsnes skis - 100 years of quality and skiing experiences
www.en.asnes.comÅsnes skis are probably the skis in the world that have been tested on most polar expeditions in the history of skis. Our short skin/kicker skin system is also the most tested and trusted option out there. We have been making quality since 1922 and is still the preferred ski brand among explorers to date.
Home - Langrenn
https://www.langrenn.comSkiforbundet langrenn kompletterer Tour de Ski-troppen med tre utøvere og sender totalt 20 løpere, hvorav ti kvinner og ti menn,... av LANGRENN Langrenn Allround 20.12.2021
Personvern - Langrenn › personvernerklaeringThe Ski Classics MyPages collects information received by events that is part of Ski Classics and information provided by the user in the setup of a user account. Ski Classics has in the rules and regulations of all events stated that the events privacy policy need to inform participants that their data will be collected by Ski Classics.
Langrenn Ski Club
langrennskiclub.comL A N G R E N N. Langrenn Ski Club. Langrenn Ski club is a small ski club that owns a two bedroom flat at Falls Creek. The flat is available for booking by members and their friends.