Jens Stoltenberg – Wikipedia Stoltenberg (født 16. mars 1959 i Oslo) er en norsk sosialøkonom og tidligere politiker (), som siden 1. oktober 2014 har vært generalsekretær i NATO.Han var Norges statsminister 2000–2001 og 2005–2013, Norges finansminister 1996–1997, Norges energi- og næringsminister 1993–1996 og leder i Arbeiderpartiet fra 2002 til 2014. Da Stoltenberg tiltrådte i 2000 ble han …
Team | MIME › about › organisationLars Stoltenberg holds a Master’s degree from Norwegian School of Management. He has 24 years’ experience from the oil industry in Norway and has worked with business development, transactions, commercial issues and sales and transportation of oil and gas his entire career.
Jens Stoltenberg - Wikipedia Stoltenberg (born 16 March 1959) is a Norwegian politician who has served as the 13th secretary general of NATO since 2014. A member of the Labour Party, he previously served as the 34th prime minister of Norway from 2000 to 2001 and again from 2005 until 2013.. In 2011, Stoltenberg received the United Nations Foundation's Champion of Global Change Award, …