Volcano in La Palma - Cumbre Vieja Live cam
www.skylinewebcams.com › en › webcamThis Cumbra Vieja webcam provides a preview of La Palma volcano live, in the Canary Islands (Spain). Its Spanish toponym literally means "Old Peak". Located in the South of the island, La Palma is the fifth largest of the central Canary Islands, it's home to the Cumbre Vieja Nature Park and to the amazing Volcano Route ( Ruta de Los Volcanes ).
afar.TV - La Palma Volcano Live Streams
afar.tv › streams › la_palmaLive Streams of the La Palma Volcano Eruption Livestream 1 This livestream features camera 1 which is approximately 5km northwest of the Volcano. It usually stays pointed at the volcano but sometimes pans along the lava flow as it enters the ocean. Camera 1 24/7 HD 28.6348°N 17.8894°W Livestream 2