Latin indirect speech - Wikipedia speech, also known as reported speech, indirect discourse (US), or ōrātiō oblīqua (/əˈreɪʃɪoʊ əˈblaɪkwə/ or /oʊˈrɑːtɪoʊ ɒˈbliːkwə/), is the practice, common in all Latin historical writers, of reporting spoken or written words indirectly, using different grammatical forms. Passages of indirect speech can extend from a single phrase to an entire paragraph, and this style was generally preferred by Roman historians to the direct speechcommonly found in Greek auth…
How Modal Verbs Change in Indirect Speech › 2021 › 12Direct Speech Indirect Speech; He said to her, “You needn’t come until later.” He told her that she needn’t/didn’t need to/didn’t have come until later. He said,” I needn’t go.” He said he didn’t have to go. Aslam said, “I needn’t study anymore.” He said he wouldn’t have to study anymore. She said, “Need I wear ...