Typesetting quotations - Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor
www.overleaf.com › learn › latexIntroduction. When it comes to quotations and quotation marks, each language has its own symbols and rules. For this reason, several LaTeX packages have been created to assist in typesetting quotations in-line, in display mode or at the beginning of each chapter. It's important to remark that even if you are typing English quotes, different quotation marks used in English (UK) and English (US).
Quotation Marks and Dashes
www.maths.tcd.ie › ~dwilkins › LaTeXPrimerSingle quotation marks are produced in LaTeX using ` and '. Double quotation marks are produced by typing `` and ''. (The `undirected double quote character " produces double right quotation marks: it should never be used where left quotation marks are required.) LaTeX allows you to produce dashes of various length, known as `hyphens', `en-dashes' and `em-dashes'.