Quia - Translations for Latin verb tenses
www.quia.com › jg › 518419listThe English translations for Present, Imperfect, Future, Perfect, PluPerfect, and Future Perfect tenses in the Active and Passive Voices. A. B. Present Active. I verb, I do verb, I am verbing. Imperfect Active. I was verbing, I used to verb, I kept on verbing. Future Active. I/We shall, You/etc. will.
Latin tenses - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_tensesThe active perfectum tenses of Latin verbs are made using a different stem from the present tense. For example, dūcō 'I lead' makes the perfect tense dūxī 'I led'; faciō 'I do' makes fēcī 'I did'; sum 'I am' makes fuī 'I was' and so on. The perfect tenses can be found in dictionaries; see Latin conjugation for some examples. In all verbs, perfect tenses have the same personal endings. For example, the six persons (I, yo…