The Latin Language - reddit much 90% through grammar books. Since this is how you learn Latin in school here in Germany. Which then ends up in translating a lot of different texts (which takes time). I feel like a lot of people here don’t even go through the process of translating each sentence but just read it like another foreign language.
Where can I find the most accurate online Latin translator ... › r › latinThe reasons why Google Translate works so badly for Latin are rather interesting, and there's a fairly long explanation here.It handles snippets from the Vulgate fairly well, but collapses completely for original thoughts, because it really knows nothing about the language structure and does not do the grammatical analysis needed to achieve halfways comprehension.
The Latin Language - reddit › r › latinQ: I’m being taught to translate transverbalise using grammar rules and a dictionary. Will I learn Latin? Will I learn Latin? A: In > 90% cases, no - you won’t be able to read Latin, and the effects of being subjected to this approach can be long-lasting or even permanent.