hockey Live. Idrettslag får strømstøtte. Regjeringen har besluttet å innføre en nasjonal støtteordning for idrettslag og frivillige organisasjoner med høye strømkostnader. Les mer. Aktuelt. Lettelser for idretten. 14. januar 2022. Under torsdagens pressekonferanse presenterte regjeringen flere betydelige lettelser for idretten.
Latvia men's national ice hockey team - Wikipedia's_national_ice_hockey_teamThe Latvian men's national ice hockey team represents Latvia in international ice hockey. The team is ranked 10th in the world by IIHF as of 2019. The team is controlled by the Latvian Ice Hockey Federation. Their best ever finish at the World Championships was 7th place in 1997, 2004 and 2009. At the 2018 World Championship the team finished 8th. Latvia reached the quarterfinals at the 2014 Winter Olympics, losing 2–1 to Canada. Latvia has 7,145 registered players (0.36% of i…
Landslag - hockey landslagsaktivitet i desember 2021 er avlyst, med unntak av U20-VM! Merk! Fortsatt vil vi måtte ta hensyn til smitteutviklingen i samfunnet, og dermed kan det fortsatt bli endringer og avlysninger pga. Covid-19-pandemien. NIHF mottar mange …
LHF | Par LHF was eliminated as a member in 1946 because of USSR occupation. Until the year of 1991 Latvian hockey was part of USSR hockey. After Latvia reclaimed independence in 1991 Latvian Hockey Federation (LHF) was established, which main goal is to manage all the activities related to hockey in the country.