Lautschriftkonverter –ür das Dänische sind verschiedene Transkriptionssysteme als Lautschrift in Gebrauch. Davon verweisen wir auf auf diejenigen, die mit Blick auf den schulischen Dänischunterricht relevant sind, nämlich:. die Kieler Transkription, eine relativ enge IPA-Transkription, die Unterschiede zwischen dänischen, deutschen und englischen Lauten deutlich macht und …
https://tophonetics.comThis online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription will translate your English text into its phonetic transcription using International Phonetic Alphabet. Paste or type your English text in the text field above and click “Show transcription” button (or use [Ctrl+Enter] shortcut from the text input area).
Automatic Phonemic Transcriber - specifically, the Decision Tree is some machine generated code that decides how a grapheme should be transcribed phonemically given its left and right context. It has been generated by a program that based on an Expectation–Maximization algorithm aligns graphemes and phonemes of the training lexicon and subsequently based on the alignments builds the …
tophonetics.comThis online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription will translate your English text into its phonetic transcription using International Phonetic Alphabet. Paste or type your English text in the text field above and click “Show transcription” button (or use [Ctrl+Enter] shortcut from the text input area). Features: Choose ...
Type IPA phonetic symbols - online keyboard (all languages) IPA keyboard allows you to type phonetic transcriptions of words in all languages. It provides all the official symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (including those for tones) and a few non-IPA symbols commonly used in phonology, such as ˀ, → or ʳ.In addition, it includes most symbols of the Extensions to the International Phonetic Alphabet (extIPA) – however, only ...
Automatic Phonemic Transcriber - › text2phonemeAn automated phonetic/phonemic transcriber supporting English, German, and Danish. Outputs transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA or the SAMPA alphabet designed for speech recognition technology. View performance statistics for Danish , German , English. The transcription tool is based on a Decision Tree derived from a ...