The lavaan Project lavaan Project Consider a classical mediation setup with three variables: Y is the dependent variable, X is the predictor, and M is a mediator. For illustration, we create a toy dataset containing these three variables, and fit a path analysis model that includes the direct effect of X on Y and the indirect effect of X on Y via M.
The lavaan Project › tutorial › mediationThe lavaan Project. Consider a classical mediation setup with three variables: Y is the dependent variable, X is the predictor, and M is a mediator. For illustration, we create a toy dataset containing these three variables, and fit a path analysis model that includes the direct effect of X on Y and the indirect effect of X on Y via M. set.seed(1234) X <- rnorm(100) M <- 0.5*X + rnorm(100) Y <- 0.7*M + rnorm(100) Data <- data.frame(X = X, Y = Y, M = M) model <- ' # direct effect Y ~ c*X # ...