lede 软路由修改ip地址 - 知乎
17.01.2019 · 输入:vi /etc/config/network 按回车 vi前面然后空格在斜杆 输入I键,出现insert表示可以修改,修改完后按esc 输出(:wq)按回车 ...
30.05.2020 · 抛弃系统本地hosts文件,使用路由器openwrt系统自带hosts功能 win10系统修改hosts估计是权限限制的问题导致没有修改成功,用记事本无法保存,也懒得折腾了; 正好最近用的路由器刷了openwrt系统,它也可以设 …
Setup — LEDE docs documentation
lede.readthedocs.io › en › latestThe window changes into the SSH setup, write the following info: - Host name: LEDE device IP address (default is - User Name: root (this is the “administrator” and only user in default LEDE) - Password: leave this blank for your first connection, then write the password you set up (either in Luci GUI or after your first SSH access)
Setup — LEDE docs documentation
lede.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quick-start/setup.htmlThe window changes into the SSH setup, write the following info: - Host name: LEDE device IP address (default is - User Name: root (this is the “administrator” and only user in default LEDE) - Password: leave this blank for your first connection, then write the password you set up (either in Luci GUI or after your first SSH access)
https://lede.no › forsideMeld fra om farlige forhold. Skader på strømskap, strømledninger eller andre farlige forhold meldes til Lede. Ledninger eller trær over linjer må ikke berøres, ...