Parkinson's Law - The Personal MBA › parkinsons-lawThe Personal MBA. Master the Art of Business. by Josh Kaufman, #1 bestselling business author. A world-class business education in a single volume. Learn the universal principles behind every successful business, then use these ideas to make more money, get more done, and have more fun in your life and work.
Who We Are | Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance › who-we-areFriends of BOGA. National and sub-national governments and other actors (indigenous peoples, international organizations, financial institutions, companies, civil society etc.) can become Friends of BOGA by signing up to the BOGA Declaration, which supports a socially just and equitable global transition to align oil and gas production with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, and commits ...
legge – Wiktionary [] Verb []. legge eller legge seg (bokmål/riksmål/nynorsk) . Å sette noe i en horisontal tilstand, eller plassere i noe. Kan du legge jakka i bilen? (refleksivt) Å sette seg selv i en horisontal tilstand. Vennligst legg deg på benken der. (refleksivt) Å gå til sengs for å sove. (refleksivt, om vind) Å avta, løye, bli mindre sterk. Det meldes at vinden skal legge seg mot kvelden.
Legge - Definisjon av legge fra Free Online Dictionary av legge i Online Dictionary. Betydningen av legge. Norsk oversettelse av legge. Oversettelser av legge. legge synonymer, legge antonymer. Informasjon om legge i gratis engelsk online ordbok og leksikon. verb transitiv 1. sette, plassere legge avisen på bordet 2. putte i seng, få til å sove legge barna 3. ta fatt på bevegelse, fare legge ut på tur legge på...
James Legge - Wikipedia Legge (/ l ɛ ɡ /; 20 December 1815 – 29 November 1897) was a Scottish linguist, missionary, sinologist, and translator who was best known as an early translator of Classical Chinese texts into English. Legge served as a representative of the London Missionary Society in Malacca and Hong Kong (1840–1873) and was the first Professor of Chinese at Oxford …
Legge - Wikipedia is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: • Alexander Legge (1866–1933), US businessman, president of International Harvester• Anthony Legge (1939–2013), British archaeologist specialized in zooarchaeology• Arthur Kaye Legge KCB (1766–1835), Royal Navy officer