Levi Bike Park
www.levi.ski › en › summerThe Levi Bike Park features a great selection of enduro and downhill trails for different skill levels. The Park has been set up next to the Gondola2000 cabin lift, on the western side of the Levi fell, and it offers excellent views to the Lappish landscape. Open 24.6.-3.10.2021 klo 10-18 (weather permitting) Bike Park rental, Gondolitie 1,
Levi Bike Park
https://www.levi.ski/kesa/bikeparkNOPEUTTA JA HAASTETTA LEVIN BIKE PARKISSA Levi tarjoaa loistavat puitteet alamäki- tai enduropyöräilyn ystäville! Leviltä löydät eritasoisia enduro- ja alamäkireittejä aina helpoista vaativiin. Bike Parkin reitit kiertävät ympäri Levitunturia ja Gondoli2000-hissi kuljettaa ylös Levin huipulle, josta avautuvat huikeat Tunturi-Lapin maisemat.
Levi Bike Park
https://www.levi.ski/en/summer/bikeparkThe Levi Bike Park features a great selection of enduro and downhill trails for different skill levels. The Park has been set up next to the Gondola2000 cabin lift, on the western side of the Levi fell, and it offers excellent views to the Lappish landscape. Open 24.6.-3.10.2021 klo 10-18 (weather permitting) Bike Park rental, Gondolitie 1,
Biking in Levi
https://levi.fi/en/bikingLevi offers many options for bike enthusiasts all around the year. Biking along the paths in the snowy forests in winter is fun and exilarating. In summer you can bike in the forest along Levi fell, reach the top and test your skills and courage downhilling at the Levi Bike Park.