Dec 27, 2017 · Connect: Network is unreachable. Wireshark shows that device cdev is sending messages. I edited /etc/host such that I left the first few lines unchanged as shown here. Code: local host esdev // I added the three lines below but not this comment laptop edev cdev.
26.12.2017 · Ubuntu Linux, private network with three devices: laptop, cdev, and edev. All three connected to a switch that shows all active. Ping returns message: Connect: Network is unreachable Wireshark shows that device cdev is sending messages I edited /etc/host such that I left the first few lines unchanged as shown here
Jul 12, 2021 · The only difference I can see, it that the "Scope:Global" entry in eth0 is missing after a software reboot. When this occurs, pinging e.g.: gives me " Network is unreachable ", though I can still reach the board locally through The only way to get everything back to normal is to unplug the power supply and then plug it back.
Based on the errors, you need to update the files to look like this: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 : TYPE="Ethernet" BOOTPROTO="static" ...
02.10.2014 · gonvaled@pegasus ~ » ping connect: Network is unreachable Traceroute is also failing: gonvaled@pegasus ~ » traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets connect: Network is unreachable This is my network config (nothing out of the ordinary!):
When I try to ping another box I get a "Connect: Network is unreachable" message. What could be the problem. Thanks in advance! Original Post by skotapal.
You say all other pcs in your house have a connection. Then the problem lies only with your linux machine. There are several possibilities: You do have a connection, but you cannot reach your DNS; you can diagnose this by. ping -c1 if you can reach Google, then you have a connection, and you only need to update your DNS servers.
07.05.2016 · 17. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. The output of ifconfig indicates that there is no IP set on the eth2 interface. First you need to assign IP on eth2 as. sudo ifconfig eth2 if you want to assign as static IP on the interface. Else use. sudo dhclient eth2.
But ping the public network address shows that the network is unreachable. Ping: connect: network is unreachable. The solution is as follows. editNetworkManager ...
Jul 20, 2018 · Posts: 4. Re: [SOLVED] I have no internet! connect: Network is unreachable. wrote: I usually have to run "systemctl start dhcpcd". you should also enable it afterwards, "systemctl enable dhcpcd". this allows it to start on bootup. I never tested your command because the other two worked when I did.
Oct 02, 2014 · gonvaled@pegasus ~ » ping connect: Network is unreachable Traceroute is also failing: gonvaled@pegasus ~ » traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets connect: Network is unreachable This is my network config (nothing out of the ordinary!):
Network unreachable means you don't have a route to the network. If you can't even ping the local router, either you don't have an IP address or your network ...
Arch Linux - connect: Network is unreachable. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Active 2 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 144k times 29 23. After five unsuccessful Arch Linux installations, I've got two that installed correctly. The first time, the ...
1)Take terminal. 2)sudo su. 3)Type in. $ route add default gw (eg: eth0. 4)sometimes you will be able to ping (ping but no internet connection in the browser,then. 5)go to 'nano /etc/resolv.conf'. 6)Add. 7)nameserver 8)nameserver (gateway) or nameserver
The first time, the network worked fine, and I was even installing Arch Linux over SSH. After booting from the installed system instead of the live CD, it can't connect to the network, I get the following message when I try to ping anything, even my router: connect: Network is unreachable
40 You say all other pcs in your house have a connection. Then the problem lies only with your linux machine. There are several possibilities: You do have a connection, but you cannot reach your DNS; you can diagnose this by ping -c1 if you can reach Google, then you have a connection, and you only need to update your DNS servers.