20.12.2021 · Install Veeam Agent for Linux packages from the Veeam software repository. To install Veeam Agent for Linux, you can use a package manager of your choice that works with software packages in your Linux distribution. For example, use the following commands: For CentOS / RHEL / Fedora. yum install veeam.
13.10.2021 · Log in to Veeam Service Provider Console. For details, see Accessing Veeam Service Provider Console. In the menu on the left, click Discovery. Open the Backup Servers tab. Select the necessary servers in the list. At the top of the list, click Delete Agent. In the displayed window, click Yes to confirm management agent removal.
06.10.2021 · To uninstall Veeam Agent: Open the Inventory view. In the inventory pane, expand the Physical Infrastructure node and select the necessary protection group. In the working area, select the necessary computer and click Uninstall Everything on the ribbon or right-click the computer and select Agent > Uninstall all components.
29.08.2017 · This article provides a step by step guide to cleanly remove Veeam Agent for Windows (VAW). Veeam Agent for Windows is now available in version 2.There are three editions: “Free“, “Workstation” and “Server” being released that include enterprise features such as Application Aware Processing (VSS), flexible scheduling and retention options all while being …
10.09.2021 · Uninstalling Veeam Agent for Linux To uninstall Veeam Agent for Linux, you need to remove the veeam and veeamsnap packages. For this operation, you can use any package manager that works with software packages in your Linux distribution. The following examples show commands to uninstall Veeam Agent: For CentOS / RHEL / Oracle Linux / Fedora