Docker Hub · webdav server based on debian:10.6 and Alpine Linux with nginx server. Container. Pulls 1M+ Overview Tags. Mount your webdav server Example configuration. Username: webdav ; …
WebDAV - ArchWiki › title › WebDAVWebDAV. From ArchWiki. WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an extension of HTTP 1.1 and therefore can be considered to be a protocol. It contains a set of concepts and accompanying extension methods to allow read and write across the HTTP 1.1 protocol. Instead of using NFS or SMB, WebDAV offers file transfers via HTTP.
WebDAV using nginx (SWAG) container › r › selfhostedI'm trying to figure out a straight forward self-hosted cloud for Joplin etc, and already have nginx running for reverse proxy. But I don't see any of the modules. Seems very complicated and overkill using WebDAV and a reverse proxy for Joplin (syncing notes). My suggestion is to use Syncthing on your server and your client devices.
WebDAV - ArchWiki (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an extension of HTTP 1.1 and therefore can be considered to be a protocol. It contains a set of concepts and accompanying extension methods to allow read and write across the HTTP 1.1 protocol. Instead of using NFS or SMB, WebDAV offers file transfers via HTTP.. The goal of this how to is to setup a simple WebDAV …