Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary - Acronym Finder
https://acronymfinder.comCombined with the Acronym Attic, Acronym Finder contains more than 5 million acronyms and abbreviations. You can also search for more than 850,000 US and Canadian postal codes. An exponentially expanding dictionary consulted by bureaucrats, translators, doctors, weapons designers and anyone else who needs help decrypting the wide world's daily output of acronyms
Abbreviations List - Oxford Research Encyclopedias › images › ORECLAAbbreviations List . Mem. De memoria Metaph. Metaphysica Mete. Meteorologica [Mir. ausc.] see . Mir. ausc. under M [Mund.] De mundo [Oec.] Oeconomica Part. an. De partibus animalium Parv. nat. Parva naturalia Ph. Physica [Phgn.] Physiognomonica Poet. Poetica Pol. Politica [Pr.] Problemata Resp. De respiratione Rh. Rhetorica [Rh. Al.