List of adjectives - PaperRater
attractive bald beautiful chubby clean dazzling drab elegant fancy fit flabby glamorous gorgeous handsome long magnificent muscular plain plump quaint scruffy shapely short skinny stocky ugly unkempt unsightly Use of appearance …
Printable Adjective List A-Z › files › List-228-CommonList of Adjectives That Start With F adorable adventurous aggressive agreeable alert alive amused angry calm careful cautious charming cheerful clean clear clever cloudy clumsy eager easy elated elegant embarrassed enchanting encouraging bad beautiful better bewildered black bloody blue blue-eyed dangerous dark dead defeated defiant delightful
List of 228 Common Adjectives - YOURDICTIONARY
The words on this list of 228 adjectives can all be used to describe feelings or the appearance of objects and can also make it easy to describe yourself, your surroundings and your favorite things. Advertisement A-D List of Adjective …
List of Adjectives: The Ultimate List of Adjectives in ... · List of feeling adjectives: HAPPY Amused Delighted Glad Pleased Charmed Grateful Optimistic Content Joyful Enthusiastic Loving Marvelous ANGER Annoyed Agitated Fed up Irritated Mad Critical Resentful Disgusted Outraged Raging Furious Livid Bitter ENERGIZED Determined Inspired Creative Healthy Renewed Vibrant Strengthened Motivated Focused
List of Adjectives - Missouri Baptist University › 2013 › 01List of Adjectives ng verbs. sticky stormy stout straight strange strong stunning substantial successful succulent superficial superior swanky sweet tart tasty teeny tender tense terrible testy thankful thick thoughtful thoughtless tight timely tricky trite troubled twitter pated uneven unsightly upset uptight vast vexed victorious virtuous vivacious vivid wacky weary whimsical