Chemical Formulas - › chemical-formulasWhat is the Chemical Formula for Tin: Sn: Tin: What is the Chemical Formula for Benzene: C 6 H 6: Benzene: What is the Formula for Hydrogen Sulfide: H 2 S: Hydrogen Sulfide: Chemical Formula for Acetone: CH 3 COCH 3: Acetone: Chemical Formula for Phosphoric Acid: H 3 PO 4: Phosphoric Acid: What is the Chemical Formula for Pentane: C 5 H 12: Pentane: What is the Chemical Formula for Methanol: CH 3 OH
Chemical Formulas - Cal State LA › sites › defaultFormula Name Formula Name NH 4 + ammonium NO 3-nitrate H 3O+ hydronium NO 2-nitrite Hg 2 + mercury(I) PO 4 3-phosphate OH-hydroxide MnO 4-permanganate CN-cyanide CrO 4 2-chromate CO 3 2-carbonate Cr 2O 7 2-dichromate CH 3CO 2-acetate ClO 4-perchlorate C 2O 4 2-oxalate ClO 3-chlorate SO 4 2-sulfate ClO 2-chlorite SO 3 2-sulfite ClO-hypochlorite Hydrates Many ionic compounds have a set