Noun + Verb - · Some examples of Noun + verb collocations are: My plane takes off at tomorrow. (We cannot say “My plane departs at 8.m. tomorrow.”) My neighbor’s firecracker went off when I was falling asleep last night. The hen laid some eggs last week. A female crocodile builds her nest on the banks of a river.
F) Verb-Noun Language List - AVB Press › 2021 › 02Verb Noun Listener Tact Verb Noun Listener Tact car going leaves truck going sticks (Student) ball baby frog frog water monkey feet monkey (peanut)butter (Student) paint baby play-dough baby paper (Student) book monkey play-dough bread car cheese airplane pizza ball baby leaf face sand/dirt picture table chair floor fingers chair baby leaf pen jumprope Reaching Splashing
Unlocking the Mystery of German Noun-Verb Combinations › article › 721Combination #3: in Frage stellen (to contest, to question something) For example: Er stellt immer alles in Frage (He always questions everything). Combination #4: zur Rede stellen (to take somebody to task, to confront) For example: Wir müssen ihn morgen zur Rede stellen (Tomorrow, we must confront him). Combination #5: zur Verfügung stellen (to provide)