VLANs on Linux - Linux Journal
https://www.linuxjournal.com/article/726811.03.2004 · Configuring VLANs under Linux is a process similar to configuring regular Ethernet interfaces. The main difference is you first must attach each VLAN to a physical device. This is accomplished with the vconfig utility. If the trunk device itself is configured, it is treated as native. For example, these commands define VLANs 2-4 on device eth0:
VLAN - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/VLANVLAN Virtual LANs give you the ability to sub-divide a LAN. Linux can accept VLAN tagged traffic and presents each VLAN ID as a different network interface (eg: eth0.100 for VLAN ID 100 ) This article explains how to configure a VLAN using iproute2 and systemd-networkd or netctl . Contents 1 Instant Configuration 1.1 Create the VLAN device