Logical Solver – Johannes Singler's Private Website
www.jsingler.de › apps › logikloeserOct 27, 1999 · LogicalSolver supports you in solving a logic grid puzzle that is also known as logical, logigram or logiquiz . Read the Help . Click left for a negative relation (-), click right (or long-click, or while Ctrl key pressed) for a positive relation (+). To undo/redo, go backward/forward in your browser. Bookmark/share the link for saving/sharing the current state of the puzzle, including item names and entered relations.
Logic Problem Solver - DelphiForFun
delphiforfun.org › programs › logic_problem_solverProblem Description. This is a program that can help solve many logic problems commonly found in puzzle magazines and books. Here is a simple example: Mary, John and Pete have red, brown, and blonde hair, and are 13, 14, and 15 years old . Using the following clues determine the hair color, and age of each child. 1. The youngest has blonde hair. 2.