TRANSLATIONS IN SENTENTIAL LOGIC - UMass › phil110-gmh › textChapter 4: Translations in Sentential Logic 93 2. THE GRAMMAR OF SENTENTIAL LOGIC; A REVIEW Before proceeding, let us review the grammar of sentential logic. First, recall that statements may be divided into simple statements and compound statements. Whereas the latter are constructed from smaller statements using statement connec-
English to Logic › Content › EnglishToLogicAlmost directly copied from Peter Suber's Translation Tips. Propositional Logic; 1st Order Logic. Singly General Monadic; Multiply General Monadic; Polyadic. In this hand-out I treat the notation of truth-functional propositional logic and first-order predicate logic as a language, and give guidance on translating from English into this foreign language.
Nexperia Logic Translators › documents › brochure4 Logic translator guide Input and output levels Electronic devices have input levels (V IH and V IL) and output levels (V OH and V OL). Table A is an extract of a datasheet showing these levels V IH is the high-level input voltage, if a voltage is applied that is > V IH, it will be seen as a logic HIGH. V IL is the low-level input