Helm | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › lokiTo update the chart repository, run: helm repo update Deploy Loki to your cluster Deploy with default configuration helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki-stack Deploy in a custom namespace helm upgrade --install loki --namespace=loki grafana/loki Deploy with custom configuration helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki --set "key1=val1,key2 ...
Helm | Grafana Labs
https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/installation/helmTo update the chart repository, run: helm repo update Deploy Loki to your cluster Deploy with default configuration helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki-stack Deploy in a custom namespace helm upgrade --install loki --namespace=loki grafana/loki Deploy with custom configuration helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki --set "key1=val1,key2 ...
Loki Helm Chart | loki
https://grafana.github.io/loki/charts$ make helm $ helm upgrade --install loki ./loki-stack-*.tgz After verifying your changes, you need to bump the chart version following semantic versioning rules. For example, if you update the loki chart, you need to bump the versions as follows:
Loki Helm Chart | loki
grafana.github.io › loki › charts$ make helm $ helm upgrade --install loki ./loki-stack-*.tgz After verifying your changes, you need to bump the chart version following semantic versioning rules. For example, if you update the loki chart, you need to bump the versions as follows: