What is the longest adjective? - Fun Trivia
www.funtrivia.com › askft › Question33287May 08, 2003 · Currently Best Answer. Friar Tuck. Answer has 6 votes. Currently voted the best answer. In Thomas Love Peacock's satirical novel Headlong Hall (1816) there appear two high-flown nonce words (one-off coinages) which describe the human body by stringing together adjectives describing its various tissues. The first is based on Greek words, and the ...
What is the adjective for long? - WordHippo
www.wordhippo.com › what-is › the-adjective-forlengthy, lengthened, considerable, great, expanded, extended, faraway, extensive, far, distant, lasting, far-reaching, long-lasting, of considerable length, spread out, long-term, marathon, long-drawn-out, long-drawn, prolonged, long-lived, elongated, protracted, elongate, king-size, drawn-out, very long, continuing, continued, oversized, king-sized, enduring, king size, strung out, stretched out, drawn out, dragged out, long-standing, long haul, lengthwise, endlong, long-run, longstanding ...